Thursday, January 10, 2008

Aiden, Emily, Mason and Maddie were all together this Christmas (along with their moms and dads) in Yorba Linda at Grandma and Grandpa's house! All dressed up and looking so cute on Christmas Eve they partied and saw Santa Clause and played with all their cousins. On Christmas morning we had lots of fun celebrating. The best part was just having everyone together. There was lots to do on Christmas eve and Christmas day, but occasionally I'd have to just stand back and make a memory in my mind to look back on... it's such an amazing thing to see your own children start a family and have children of their own... the whole picture of family becomes clearer and now I have SIX kids instead of just three: Michael, Laura, Scott, Molly, Laura and Shawn.... and FOUR grandkids, Aiden, Emily, Mason and Maddie, (and still only one husband, Paul)... all these special people to love and cherish! These blessings are not wasted on us... we know we are blessed and are thankful for all these beautiful people in our lives.....


Rhonda Riley said...

Love your blog :) Another way to keep in contact!!! THAT'S what we need, right ~ Christmas Eve at the Grigoruk's is the you...rhonda

Warner said...

Hi mom... we had so much fun this christmas all together! you always make it so special! i love you and your blog! What a computer whiz you are turning out to be... love you, Laura

Matt said...

Nothing beats our Christmas Eve party. My favorite meal of the year!